Episode 3: Mental Health during Lockdown

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In episode 3, Ana and Maryann speak with counsellor Sarah Kay about the challenges of maintaining good mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially during the UK’s current third lockdown. We discuss everyday tools for keeping mentally healthy, and look at how living with anxiety and depression can make it tougher during an already difficult time. We also look at domestic violence and the resources available to anyone who may be experiencing physical, phycological or sexual abuse during lockdown.

You can contact Sarah Kay, Counsellor, on email (serahmk@yahoo.co.uk) and on Instagram (@serah_kay_wild).

Ana’s Female Boxing Coach sessions can be found on Instagram at @femaleboxingcoach and www.femaleboxingcoach.com.

Resources for Mental Health Support:

If an emergency, call 999.

If severe symptoms, call your GP.

General Mental Health

Mind UK - Information and Support

Mental Health UK - Coronavirus and mental health tips

UK Government advice on COVID-19 and mental health - specific to the UK

Mental Health helplines

Samaritans: 0845 7909090

24 hour helpline support for those experiencing distress, despair and/or suicidal feelings

CALM: 0800 58 58 58

The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is a movement against suicide. 5pm-midnight, online webchat available.

No Panic: 0844 967 4848

Advice, support, recovery programs and help for people living with phobias, OCD and any other anxiety-based disorders. Helpline open from 10am-10pm.

Childline: 0800 1111

Free, 24-hour helpline for children and young people in trouble or danger. If the lines are busy, please keep trying

NHS Direct: 0845 4647
24 hour support and information line

LGBT+ Specific

Mind Out: LGBT Mental Health Service

LGBT Foundation:  – 0845 3 30 30 30 or 0161 235 8035 (10am-10pm, daily)
LGBT Helpline. Email: info@lgbt.foundation

National Lesbian and Gay Switchboard: – 0300 330 0630
Support and information for LGBT people across the UK (10am to 11pm)


Episode 4: Long Distance Dating


Episode 2: Lesbian Representation, and Friendship vs Romance