Episode 8 - Non-binary identity within the LGBTQ community with special guests Egg and ‘Olly

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In episode 8, Ana and Maryann meet special guests Egg and ‘Olly to discuss their non-binary identity within the LGBTQ community.

We hear their journey of how they came to identify as non-binary, we discuss what non-binary means, and terminology such as genderqueer, agender and bigender, we learn how to use people's preferred pronouns (how to ask, what to do if you slip up), and ways that we can better support non-binary people in LGBTQ spaces.

For more information about Egg and ‘Olly, visit: https://thecosplayjournal.com.

Holly (‘Olly) Rose Swinyard
A cosplayer for over a decade, and now working as a pop cultural journalist, Holly set up and runs The Cosplay Journal. Instagram: @lilistprince

Megan Amis
Megan is currently studying photography at university and challenges the perception of cosplay through their images. Instagram: @MeggoPhoto


Non-Binary Resources

Stonewall - https://www.stonewall.org.uk/about-us/news/10-ways-step-ally-non-binary-people

Mermaids UK - https://mermaidsuk.org.uk

Gendered Intelligence - http://genderedintelligence.co.uk/

Gender Kit - https://genderkit.org.uk/


Episode 9 - Trans women and trans gender people in the LGBT+ community with special guest Lady Jade Phoenix


Episode 7 - Interview with creators of Danny Boy the Movie